After a weekend of getting settled into the apartment, relaxing a bit, and exploring a village, it’s time to get to work. I’m putting in the design hours early in the day, so that, this afternoon, Julia and I can go into Heraklion to take a yoga class and have dinner. So, I’m working very hard when there’s a knock at the door. There stands Pamela with traditional Greek lentil soup for me. Lunch is served!! (And, Kristen is getting spoiled.)


There are two buses that come through Prassas each day. One at 7:30 a.m. and one at 4:30 p.m. We’re going to a 6:30 class, so we head into the city on the 4:30 bus. (But, first, we go to light a candle at the local church — Annunciation to the Blessed Virgin Mary Orthodox Church — which is just a 2 minute walk.)


Julia showed me where to catch the bus and while the two of us wait, a group of five stray dogs walks up the road and is approaching fast. Neither of us are keen on strange dogs. We stand there discussing what we should do and the entire group stops (as if on command). The one in front turns around (I swear, like he was saying something to the others), and then, in unison, they all turn around and head back down the road – away from us. It was astonishing. It was like something you’d see in a Disney movie – I could almost imagine the doggie conversation: “Guys, those two ladies look a little nervous. They’re guests here. Let’s show our Greek hospitality, make them comfortable, and go a different way.” “You got it Nick, we can take the path through the olive trees.” The whole bus ride into town, I’m thinking that I can’t believe that just happened.

When we get into Heraklion, Julia shows me where to get off, where some things are in the city — and of course she leads the way to Breath of Life Yoga Studio. We took a traditional Hatha class with a teacher from India. (I found it amusing that I was straining to understand his English with an Indian accent, in Greece, where I have tuned my ear to English with a Greek accent.) Julia just found it amusing that he stood on top of my legs in Badhakonasana.

After class, we bought some groceries and started walking back toward the center of town. Along the way, we stopped at a cute taverna for dinner. It was delicious and we had a great time chatting and getting to know each other. (Since Julia is from Berlin, this “getting to know you,” was in English with a German accent.)

When we were ready to go, we asked “Can we get the check?” to which the waiter replied “Yes, of course.” He did not come back with the check (yet), but showed up instead with cake and ice cream. Is it really any wonder why I love Greece?