After meeting up with one of my design clients at the Montpellier airport and a long taxi ride up into the mountains, I arrived in Saint-Bresson. This is where I’ll be staying for about a week and a half — in an stone house that is more than 500 years old.


It’s a very tiny village. No store. No cafe. No nothing, but a church and mountains.


We drove the 20 minutes to the nearest town, to pick up groceries for the week. I discovered that cheese in France — of all kinds — is yummy (no surprise, they have that reputation). I hadn’t really heard of sheep’s milk cheese, but I have now. I tried a few varieties and loved them all.


Surprisingly, my prejudiced olive-eating habits (I only like black olives), were turned upside down. At the market, I chose black olives, while my host, Leesteffy, selected a green variety. I didn’t eat all of her olives, but let’s just say that every time I got two black olives, I got four green ones. I could not believe that I liked the green way more than the black ones. I feel like I need to rethink life over this revelation.


Work, food, conversation, and trying to stay warm (as it snows outside) are on the agenda for my time here in Saint Bresson. Let the indoor activities begin!