I tried to take a yoga class this morning. Unfortunately, even though I checked google maps before leaving my room, I still haven’t gotten the hang of figuring out exactly where to go, when I first come out of a tube station. Left or right? This street or that? Which way is north or south or east or west? This is the problem with flat gray skies — no navigational help from the sun. So, I didn’t find the yoga studio (though, I did realize, once I got back to my laptop, that I was approximately 50 steps away from it at one point). Nevertheless, I ended up wandering around Notting Hill, way too early for most things to be open (read: getting in a bit of cardio and looking into windows). Somewhere along the way, I stumbled upon an iconic blue police box. I felt better at that point, because I figured that — at any moment — I might run into The Doctor and that would totally make up for getting lost and missing a yoga class.
The Tardis